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          With adheringtothe“people—oriented‘employment Philosophy,Tianyufound ry has cuItivated a g roup ofyoung and energeticleadershipteam.andcu rrently has professo riaI senior engineers,senior enginee rs and other technical pe rsonnel above 20 people.Ou r company insist on strengthening thescience and technology power,adopting the mode that integ ration of production,teaching and resea rch in a va riety of ways.We established a widerange oftechnical coope rationwith~inghua Unive rsity,Yangzhou University,Tongji University and other units.Tianyu always strivetofocus on newp roducts,new p rocesses,new materials,resea rch and development and design,highlighting the found ry’s design capabilities and featu res.With theglobal economicinteg ration process,followed bythe pace ofworldwidetechnological development,Tianyufound rywill continueto p romoteinnova—
tion casting technology with a newly thinking model,which can fullfiI ou r own development based on creating the maximum custome r benefits.Wen rmly believe that“honesty and integ rity,science and technology“will be ou r futu re success

Copyright: Jiangsu Tianyu Foundry Co,Ltd. Address:-Jiangdu true Wu town Yangzhuang, Shao true road on the 1st Phone:0514-86235948
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